lion’s den

a men’s ministry

The Lion’s Den was formed in June of 2018 as a monthly men’s ministry.

We meet monthly, check calendar for details.

We wanted to create a place where iron sharpens iron, where men can gather, study, and pray.

We exist to disciple and grow men into their God designed, Biblical masculinity in order to fight the cultural war against Biblical manhood and family.

Societies rise and fall because of men. Men are the keystone to households, leadership, and society as a whole. Our current culture attacks men and masculinity as something to be avoided instead of treasured and nurtured.

Men will always lead. The question is - will it be good men or bad men?

Daniel in the Lion’s Den refused to back down from standing firm on the truth. We build men to do the same.

The world is a Lion’s Den; encouraging men to stray from God’s path of righteousness.

We equip men to stand firm on scripture, laugh in the face of tyrants, and serve the Lord with resounding joy.

“Stop feeling sorry for your kids and grandkids. Why would we raise generations of dragon slayers and be disappointed to have dragons for them to fight? Cheer up, it’s more dangerous than you thought.”

-Douglas Wilson

Men - come slay dragons with us.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Cor 16:13