our rhythms

  • we feast at christ church denver

    we feast

    Our Sabbath begins with a Sabbath Eve feast. We gather together each week on the eve of the Sabbath in outposts (private homes) to sing, pray, study, and feast! Thanking the Lord for the bounty He has provided us.

  • worhsip at Christ Church Denver

    we worship

    Sunday mornings we gather together for covenantal renewal worship, rejoicing from our feast the night before. Our hearts are prepared for the Lord’s Day, to sing to Him loudly, to hear His word preached, and to come together at His table.

  • we rest at christ church denver

    we rest

    God commands us to rest; to separate ourselves from our worldly pursuits and ultimately to rest in joy in our trust in Him. Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest. -Ex 34:21. After worship we rest while thanking God for our provision only granted through His mercy.