
Membership matters - becoming a member is important as it is a visible commitment to Christ, his kingdom, his people, and his church. This involves accountability - as members we are accountable and committed to one another. Membership allows Pastors, Elders, and Deacons to faithfully shepherd and serve the needs of each individual congregant and their families.

Who is Eligible?

Individuals are eligible for membership in Christ Church if they have been lawfully baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19), and they live in our geographical area. Membership begins when the covenant membership vows have been taken (Philemon 2; Heb. 13:7,17). Membership for children of members begins when those children are baptized. The elders oversee a membership list, which must include names, baptisms, and communicant status.

Membership Vows

To be answered by the individual or head of household

  1. Have you acknowledged yourself to be a sinner in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ?

  2. Have you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting and resting in Him alone, as He was offered in the gospel? Have you been baptized in accordance with His Word?

  3. Are you resolute, in humble reliance upon the help of God, in endeavoring daily to live as a follower of Christ?

  4. Do you promise to support this church in its worship and work? Do you promise to submit yourself to the government and discipline of this church, pursuing its purity and peace?

When the vows are presented to the head of a household, he will also be asked if he speaks on behalf of his household. When these vows are taken, the congregation will respond with “Amen” when they are asked: “As a congregation of Christ, do you receive [this Christian/these Christians] into the covenant fellowship of this local church together with you, renewing your membership vows as you do so?